
How to pick a website to play QQ online at

So you have a great agent that streamlines all your poker-playing-related issues and you have been working a lot to have the most knowledge you can amass about playing poker, right? You feel confident and are finally read to get your head into the game and get some action. That is all fine, but do you know where you will find the action? Do you have a site in mind where you will play safely and securely without having your personal data compromised? To do that, you will need a good website that has been tested and has withstood the test of time. You will need to choose the website first, but that can be a little tricky because there are so many damn websites out there and each claims to be the best.

This article highlight three of the most important factors that you should always consider when you are picking a site for playing IDN poker online, qq poker, and just about any other variant of poker.

Deposit and withdrawal options

Since poker involves money, the first consideration you should keep in mind is the safety of your money. You need to ensure that the site offers you suitable options for depositing and withdrawing money. Check the site to see if they offer the same options for depositing and withdrawing money as the ones you have or can get your hands on. It would be a real shame to amass huge amounts of money in your account from winnings and realize that you can’t withdraw the money.

Any site that is worth its salt will offer you multiple options to deposit and withdraw your money. There are many popular methods of transferring money and you can choose from any one of them for your convenience.

24-hour customer service

While playing online, there are many problems you are likely to encounter that will require the intervention of the staff of the company that offers the services. For instance, you might have problems withdrawing or depositing money into your account yet you really need to play a few games for the weekend. When that happens, you need to be able to get a hold of the customer service staff and streamline things out.

Since online poker is a game play all the time regardless of the time of day it is, it is important that the customer care staff are reachable 24/7. Many sites offer 24/7 customer support and if they won’t be available, they provide adequate forewarning.


When I say security, I am referring to cyber-security. Cyber-security has become a major problem in the world of online poker. Sites are hacked every day and players as well as online casinos lose a huge amount of money and private data. As such, you should look into the history of the company to see if they have been hacked before and how they addressed the issue afterward. You should only entrust your money with a site that cares about you by offering you adequate cyber-security.